Ramon Escobar visits Florida International University

By Nathaly Duran

On Tuesday April 19, the students of Professor Alvarado’s Introduction to Journalism class had the pleasant visit of Mr. Ramon Escobar, Vice President of Telemundo News. As a way to advise the prospect journalists, Mr. Escobar took the class through a journey starting from his parent’s migration to the U.S., their influence on his decision of going into the TV industry, to a precise description of the concept of Journalism.

His story began in the 1960’s when his parents, running away from racism and poverty in Latin America, came to the United States illegally. Born and raised in Little Rock, Arkansas; Escobar experienced the influence of two worlds and remembers how his parents learned about the American society from the TV or as he calls it: “a box of wires”, this was one of his earliest motivations to be in the TV business.

But it was a moment at the White House what fueled his desire to be a journalist, when as a student in the path of becoming a politician; he was banned from asking questions to President Ronald Regan. From that moment on he knew he wanted to be on the side of the road where he could ask questions, as he said, “questions no one says, you can’t ask that question.”

Although Mr. Escobar went over the class period, it certainly was not enough time for him to say all he wanted to say, and for us to learn all we need to learn. Yet, he left us with a broader sense of what journalism is and where it is heading. Mr. Escobar also confirmed the big lesson learned throughout the semester in the Introduction to Journalism class, how journalism and the media’s myriad influence shapes history, by concluding, “Journalism is not an answer but a process, if you do it right you benefit society, if you don’t you destroy it.”

Published in: on April 20, 2011 at 7:17 pm  Leave a Comment  

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